Friday - Free Will Christ Radio

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00:00 - 08:00 Music
Selected songs

08:00 - 10:00 Wake up with Joy (LIVE) An inspirational encouraging directing comforting funny radio program with a lot of good worship and praise combined with the Word of God, stories, daily news and lots of laughing for the Joy of the Lord is our strenght. Wake up with a smile everyday and begin your day blessed.
Evangelist Kevin de Swaaf
10:00 - 10:30 Music Selected songs
10:30 - 12:00 Inspirational Time (LIVE)
Inspiring Songs of Hope & Biblical
Quotations Meant to Uplift Your Soul
Pastor Robert Psalmpong
12:00 - 14:00 Precious Moments( LIVE)
The spiritual storehouse....of prayer(Confession of Faith, Hot Prayers etc), Audio Bible Reading for your meditation, the spiritual tips for the day laced with powerful songs of the Gospel of Christ et al....To strengthen your spirit against the enemy...
Pastor Robert Psalmpong
14:00 - 17:00 Gospel Rush Hour (LIVE) Ending the working day with a smile. Gospel Rush Hour is an interactive Radio program. Our listeners can chat or call and contribute during the program. Lots and lots of jokes, praise and worship with possibility for requests, stories, news, quiz but most of all lots of fun. So you can end your working day also with the Joy of the Lord to receive More Power More Strenght.
Evangelist Kevin de Swaaf & Pastor Monica de Swaaf
17:00 - 18:00 Music Selected songs
18:00 - 20:00 Vineyard (LIVE)
Gospel demonstrated around reggae gospel music...
Brother Wolfgang Krause
20:00 - 22:00 Music Selected songs

22:00 – 00:00

Prophetic Night (Playback)

An opportunity to get access to the merciesof God, a moment of prophecy for your soul. A time of the manifestations of the power of God through prophecy, healing,
prayer et al...Tune in to experience yourbreakthrough....!

Prophetess(Pastor) Princess Wicke

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